The Brown Dwarf is a distributed system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data over a Peer-to-Peer overlay. It manages to distribute a highly effective centralized structure among peers on-the-fly. Both point and aggregate queries are then naturally answered on-line through cooperating nodes that hold parts of a fully or partially materialized data cube. Updates are also performed on-line, eliminating the usually costly over-night process.

  • Publications
    • K. Doka and D. Tsoumakos and N. Koziris: Brown Dwarf: A P2P Data-Warehousing System. To appear in Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM' 10 demo track), Toronto, Canada, October 26-30, 2010.
    • K. Doka and D. Tsoumakos and N. Koziris: Brown Dwarf: Distributing the Power of OLAP. In proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'10), Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 23-25, 2010.
    • K. Doka and D. Tsoumakos and N. Koziris: Efficient Updates for a Shared Nothing Analytics Platform. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Massive Data Analytics over the Cloud (MDAC '10 - in conjunction with WWW 2010), Raleigh, North Carolina, 26 April 2010.

  • Technical Reports
    • K. Doka and D. Tsoumakos and N. Koziris: Brown Dwarf: Distributing the Power of OLAP to Unstructured P2P Overlays. Technical Report
  • People

-- KaterinaDoka - 04 May 2009

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