My personal web page at CSLab

You will most probably want to contact me by sending me an e-mail at I usually do my best to respond ASAP. I'm used to sign digitally my e-mails, so my public key might be useful to verify my signature.

Alternatively, you can call me through Skype.

For those preferring more traditional means of contact, my telephone number is +30-210-772-2133 ext. 420. See below for working hours.

For normal mail service, the following address is what you might be looking for:

Vasileios Karakasis
Computing Systems Laboratory, Room 21.34B
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dpt. of Computer Science
National Technical University of Athens
9 Heroon Polytechniou Str.,
Zografou Campus, 15780, Zografou

The fact of not being quite an early bird has shifted my office hours toward afternoon, so we could possibly have a live conversation from 12pm to 8pm (local time), usually daily.