The Game TRIAL

Running the game

To run the game you must have:


_shot.jpg (73356 bytes)


_control.jpg (5987 bytes)
Navigation Palette

You are the hero of our little story so read the messages carefully and follow your brave instincts to fulfill the goal of the game. Use the navigation palette (see image to the left) or  left area named CONTROL in the screenshot above to find your way in the ancient town of Korinthos. You can also use the keyboard arrows to make the movements described below:
Up Arrow Forward
Right Arrow Turn 90 degrees to your right
Left Arrow Turn 90 degrees to your left
Down Arrow Backward

The Game Map

_map.jpg (9520 bytes)

The game map is shown as the MAP area in the game screenshot. The game consists of small colorful dots that represent you, the buildings and all the objetcs in the game space. You can see the map in the upper left corner of the screenshot. You are the blue dot with the red line. The red line shows your orientation.


_messages.jpg (10171 bytes)

You can read messages in the MESSAGES area shown in the game screenshot. Use the red arrows to see the next or the previous message.

Feature enhancements

logoline.jpg (6770 bytes)