SAC 2005
March 13-17, 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Special Track on Distributed Systems and Grid Computing


Main Page

Paper Submission


Important dates

Call for Papers
(pdf, rtf, txt)

The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is the leading and most prestigious Technical University in Greece. The Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLab - profile in pdf) is one of the largest research laboratories in the Computer Science Division of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA. The lab has large involvement and participation in research and technological development (RTD) projects with strong national and european research partnerships. Its large computing infrastructure comprises several SMP architectures and various PC linux clusters from off-the-shelf nodes with high performance interconnects (SCI, GbE, Myrinet).

Faculty Members:

CSLab activities span both research and academic/teaching areas, mainly focusing on the following research fields:

  • Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
  • High Performance Computing and Networking Architectures
  • Operating Systems Support
  • High Level Hardware Design Automation
  • Embedded (Networking) Systems
  • Intelligent Computing Systems
  • High Performance Medical Applications

CSLab includes the Parallel and Distributed Systems Group focusing on research in the fields of High Performance Computer and Communication Architectures, Networking Interconnects, OS support, Parallel Architectures and Cluster Computing.

CSLab also includes the Embedded Systems Design Group focusing on research in the fields of Intelligent Embedded Systems and Logic Design. A set of online tools is provided.

CSLab is largely involved in the academic curricula of NTUA's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Many of the mandatory and optional courses and lab sessions of the Computer Science stream of courses are conducted under the supervision of CSLab. Some of the courses offered by CSLab's members are Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Advanced Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing Systems, Data Structures and Computing Systems Lab.

Upcoming Parallel & Distributed Computing Conferences and Workshops (html)


    This track is hosted by Computing Systems Laboratory at National Technical University of Athens