Difference: P2P (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92009-05-04 - KaterinaDoka

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P2P Networks and Distributed Systems

Line: 17 to 17


In this project, we describe a distributed algorithm for adaptive load balancing in systems that support range queries. We address the issue of uneven load distribution among the peers that occurs when nodes index items of varying popularity.

Brown Dwarf Project

Brown Dwarf is a distributed system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data over a Peer-to-Peer overlay. It manages to answer both point and aggregate queries on-line through cooperating nodes that hold parts of a fully or partially materialized data cube. Updates are also performed on-line.
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1204801681" name="chazapis-icpp05.pdf" path="chazapis-icpp05.pdf" size="362824" user="Main.AntonyChazapis" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1204801662" name="zissimos-pci2007.pdf" path="zissimos-pci2007.pdf" size="211231" user="Main.AntonyChazapis" version="1"
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