Difference: Arch (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32008-03-06 - ArisSotiropoulos

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Computer Architecture

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 Providing scalable clustered storage in a cost-effective way depends on the availability of an efficient network block device (nbd) layer. We study the performance of gmblock, an nbd server over Myrinet utilizing a direct disk-to-NIC data path which bypasses the CPU and main memory bus. To overcome the architectural limitation of a low number of outstanding requests, we focus on overlapping read and network I/O for a single request, in order to improve throughput. To this end, we introduce the concept of synchronized send operations and present an implementation on Myrinet/GM, based on custom modifications to the NIC firmware and associated userspace library. Compared to a network block sharing system over standard GM and the base version of gmblock, our enhanced implementation supporting synchronized sends delivers 81% and 44% higher throughput for streaming block I/O, respectively.



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